TransFueler in China

We are very pleased to announce that TransFueler has entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with Tallamond Inc. On April 26, 2018 Quality Fuel Trailer and Tank’s president, Edward Dunn, and Tallamond’s CEO; Winston Lee, signed a three year contract to sell TransFuelers in the People’s Republic of China. TransFueler, by Quality Fuel Trailer and…

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The Right Stuff

Tuesday, April 10, 2018 As TransFueler mobile refueling systems become more and more popular, we’re seeing more imitations pop up. We recently were made aware of a “competitor” in the southeast, who is trying to sell what are fundamentally; the classic “cheap imitations”. This company is advertising fuel trailers that appear on the surface, to…

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Ultimate Guide To Starting A Mobile Gas Fueling Business: Part 1

Friday, February 2, 2018 We are frequently contacted by folks planning on entering the on-site car refueling business. You may have noticed a few of these operations springing up around the country. The basic premise is to buy a truck or trailer mounted fuel tank system, and travel around the local area filling individual’s gas…

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Off the Grid

Friday, December 15, 2017 We’ve been talking with a fair number of people who are increasingly living either off-grid, or approaching it. Of course, in this scenario, “the grid” is our country’s electricity generation & distribution network. It’s not just “preppers”, and back-to-the-land folks who are exiting the traditional public utility power system. The guy…

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Winter is coming… Is your generator ready?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Winter is coming… Is your generator ready? Winter, as we all know, will soon be bringing dark & stormy weather. The southern region of the country is still recovering from a very active hurricane season. Huge areas were knocked out of power for days. Following the tragic heat caused death of…

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URGENT: New Florida Law To Save Senior’s Lives During Power Outages

Friday, October 13, 2017 URGENT: New Florida Law To Save Senior’s Lives During Power Outages Florida Rule 58AER17-1  “Procedures Regarding Emergency Environmental Control for Assisted Living Facilities”Following the tragic deaths of eight elderly residents of a Florida assisted living facility, Florida Governor Rick Scott instituted an emergency rule requiring the state’s assisted living facilities and…

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